About Us

Uresa Ahmeti

Communications Coordinator

Uresa Ahmeti joined the YIHR KS team in August 2022 – currently working as the Communications Coordinator. She graduated from Wesleyan University, USA, with a double major in Sociology and Feminist, Gender & Sexuality Studies. Previous to that she finished her high school studies at United World College Maastricht in the Netherlands, after she won a national scholarship. Alongside her scholarly interests, she is an activist, writer, and performance artist. She has written original plays like Romeo & Romeo and Are You a Girl or a Boy?! and has written and performed multiple performances including Nasty Beauty, The Apple Was Not an Accident, From Other to Self, Interrogating “Power,” Ho-me is Where the Breath Is / (Be)longing. She is also the author of two poetry books, Woman Warmth Woman Wrath, and How the Hell Do I Abort a Demon. Her activist and artistic work is a direct protest and a call for self-agency, social awareness, and collective recognition and resistance of how systems of oppression co-exist and subjugate bodies.