A free, equal and just society where all people can reach their potential.

A free, equal and just society where all people can reach their potential.

Latest News

Who We Are

We worked successfully to protect and promote human rights and democratic values not only in Kosovo but also in the region.

Our Mission

We inspire young people to document and actively engage in the prevention of human rights abuses, advocate for their inclusion, and build partnerships for amplifying voices and promoting peace.

Our Vision

A free, equal, just and peaceful society where all people can live up to realize their potential.

Activism Hub

The Activism Hub was launched by YIHR KS in 2022 during Human Rights Week as a dedicated space for activists to turn their ideas into actions. This open, youth-friendly space is located within our office premises, and free for all activists.

Located in the heart of Prishtina, the Activism Hub offers a safe and free environment for everyone. Whether you want to work, socialize, or simply relax, the Hub is equipped with chairs, bean bags, work tables, a projector, a TV, a sound system, a desk bike, coffee, tea, water, books, office supplies, and an atmosphere filled with love, safety, and activist spirit.

Booking is simple: simply email us at activismhub@yihrks.org to reserve your date and time. Don’t miss out on this opportunityβ€”come to the Hub and make your impact!

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We need your support!

Support from individuals as well as from all segments of society is very important for our work. To achieve our goals and protect the rights of all without distinction, we need the support of individuals, businesses, and other organizations that understand the importance of community engagement as much as we do.

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