YIHR KS stood up against hate today!

We received news that the Djurković family’s house in Gojbulja, near Vushtrri, was vandalized with hateful graffiti aimed at intimidating the Kosovo-Serb family.

YIHR KS firmly believes that everyone is entitled to safety and well-being in Kosovo regardless of their ethnicity – such an act is not just vandalism; it is a deliberate act of hate. The graffiti only adds fuel to the ethnic tensions in Kosovo, and we call upon the prosecutor’s office to conduct a thorough and unbiased investigation on the matter.

Hate has no place anywhere! After coordinating with the Kosovo police and talking to the Djurković family, our team together with activists headed to Gojbulja to paint over this message of hate. We made it clear that criminal acts and hate speech have no place here. We’re committed to ensuring that the rights and safety of all without distinction are guaranteed in Kosovo.

Peace and unity are the only way forward!

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