The training with Civic Education teachers within the framework of the “Human Rights Education Program” project has been completed!

From May 21 to 25, 2024, 21 primary and secondary school teachers from the municipalities of Vushtrri, Drenas, Skenderaj, Lipjan, and Obliq completed a 5-day training on vital topics of human rights, the justice system, and access to justice. These dedicated educators had the opportunity to dive into the practical aspects of teaching legal sections to their students and learn how to research and bring real-life cases into the classroom for discussions.

By participating in this interactive training, these teachers gained knowledge and skills to help their students understand the importance of protecting and promoting human rights. They learned how to equip their students with the necessary tools to identify and report any human rights violations to the relevant authorities, both within their schools and outside institutions. Additionally, the teachers had the chance to deepen their knowledge about the Free Legal Aid Agency, where they also met with the Deputy Executive Director of the agency, Mrs. Flutura Berbati-Zena.

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