NGO DUA & NVO GETO Partnership for Inter-Ethnic Relations under the 2023 Small Grants Scheme

NGO DUA & NVO GETO are another one of the three partnerships from the Small Grants Scheme we launched in 2023 aiming to foster inter-ethnic relations.

Their project focused on peacebuilding and reconciliation – specifically on overcoming ethnic stereotypes and bias through theatre.

They worked with diverse youngsters from the Albanian, Serbian, Bosnian, Roma, and Turk communities in Kosovo to conceptualize and bring to life theatre shows.

Incredibly, they produced two theatrical plays that highlight the importance of overcoming stereotypes and biases to reach reconciliation and peace.

This project demonstrates the essential need for inclusive alternative art spaces for social advocacy and unique expression!

*Small Grants Scheme is part of the ‘Kosovo Youth Dialogue’ project supported by USAID Kosovo.

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