Open Letter to the Rector of the University of Prishtina, Mr. Qerim Qerimi

Honorable Rector of the University of Prishtina, Mr. Qerim Qerimi,

We the undersigned Civil Society Organizations are addressing you through this open letter to request immediate action in your role as the Rector of the University of Prishtina to address the denunciations of 27 students of the Faculty of Medicine for sexual harassment by Professor Xhevat Krasniqi.

We demand the immediate suspension of Xhevat Krasniqi until there is an epilogue to the case. There should be zero tolerance for cases when professors sexually harass their students, and even less when these professors are proven sexual harassers, such as Xhevat Krasniqi, suspended from the University of Gjakova for the same criminal acts. By remaining silent against this criminal act, you are collaborating with the perpetrator and are amnestying and promoting sexual crimes within the University of Pristina.

Enough is enough, we want justice and we want it now!

We do not tolerate the sexual harassment of Xhevat Krasniqi. His illegal acts cannot be normalized or minimized. Sexual harassment has no place at the University of Prishtina. The wellbeing of students must be prioritized.

We call on you, as the bearer of the highest position within this institution, to take over the solution of this case and put justice in UP on to your own hands. Anything less would be a betrayal to the trust placed in you to exercise this duty and a failure to uphold the values of integrity and respect within the public university.

Silence is not an option, inaction is unacceptable!

Stand in solidarity with us and demand accountability and justice for victims of sexual harassment. We will not stop until the University of Pristina is freed from the epidemic of sexual harassment.

We kindly ask you to keep us informed about the case. We remain in your disposal for further correspondence.

Thank you for your attention!

  1. Youth Initiative for Human Rights Kosovo – YIHR KS
  2. Kosovar Center for Gender Studies – KCGS
  3. Student Feminist Movement – LFS 
  4. Center for Equality and Liberty – CEL Kosova
  5. Center for Social Group Development – CSGD
  6. Kosovar Civil Society Foundation – KCSF
  7. QIKA
  8. ORCA
  9. YMCA Kosova
  10. Kosovo Law Institute – KLI
  11. FOL Movement
  12. Institute D4D
  13. Kosovo Women’s Network – KWN
  14. Bubble Foundation
  15. Community Building Mitrovica – CBM
  16. Dylberizm
  17. Termokiss
  18. KIPRED
  19. Voice of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians – VoRAE
  20. Association of Journalists of Kosovo – AGK
  21. Dokufest
  22. Institute Sekhmet 
  23. Institute Musine Kokalari
  24. Integra
  25. Kosova Rehabilitation Center for Torture Victims – KRCT
  26. Humanitarian Law Center Kosovo – HLCK
  27. Initiative for Progress – INPO
  28. Kosovo Women 4 Women – K-W4W
  29. Advancing Together – AT
  30. Çohu
  31. Kosovo Center for Security Studies – KCSS
  32. Kosovo Disability Forum – KDF
  33. Pishtarët
  34. Hyjneshat
  35. New Social Initiative – NSI
  36. NGO CASA
  37. Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture – ACDC
  38. Civil Rights defenders
  39. Instituti GAP
  40. Advocacy Training and Resource Center
  41. Anibar
  42. Group for Legal and Political Studies – GLPS
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