Who We Are

Youth Initiative for Human Rights was originally established in 2003 as a non-governmental organization, which later transformed into a regional network of organizations based in Kosovo, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia.

Youth Initiative for Human Rights – Kosovo (YIHR KS) was established in 2004. For twenty (20) years, YIHR KS has worked successfully to protect and promote human rights and democratic values ​​not only in Kosovo but also in the region. In particular, YIHR KS is focused on the process of dealing with the past, protecting human rights and the rule of law, and strengthening youth at the local and regional levels.


To inspire young people to document and actively engage in the prevention of human rights abuses, advocate for their inclusion, and build partnerships for amplifying voices and promoting peace.


A free, equal, just and peaceful society where all people can live up to realize their potential.


Respect for human rights, democratic values ​​and the rule of law.
Strengthening youth and human rights activism.
Continuous creation and support of platforms for dealing with the past and building peace in Kosovo, as well as in the region.

The work of YIHR KS focuses on three main programs:

Human Rights and Rule of Law Program
Dealing with the Past and Peacebuilding Program
Youth Activism Program