
Your donation can help us achieve our goal.

Youth Initiative for Human Rights – Kosovo (YIHR KS) was established in 2004. For twenty (20) years, YIHR KS has worked successfully to protect and promote human rights and democratic values ​​not only in Kosovo but also in the region. In particular, YIHR KS is focused on the process of dealing with the past, protecting human rights and the rule of law, and strengthening youth at the local and regional levels.

Support from individuals as well as from all segments of society is very important for our work. To achieve our goals and protect the rights of all without distinction, we need the support of individuals, businesses, and other organizations that understand the importance of community engagement as much as we do.

We are constantly looking for new donations and ideas that will help us promote and protect human rights and democratic values ​​in our society. For this reason, we invite you to support us and join forces to create new opportunities for the region, the country and above all for our youth.

We look forward to your cooperation.