Serbia | Croatia | Montenegro | Bosnia and Herzegovina

Uresa Ahmeti

Uresa Ahmeti

Communications Coordinator

Uresa Ahmeti joined the YIHR KS team in August 2022 and is currently working as Communications Coordinator after graduating with an Arts Bachelor’s Degree from Wesleyan University, CT, USA. She double-majored in Sociology and Feminist, Gender & Sexuality Studies. Previous to that she finished her high school studies at United World College Maastricht in the Netherlands, after she won a national scholarship. Alongside her scholarly interests, she is an activist and an artist. Her solo interactive performances From Other to Self, Interrogating Power, Ho-me is Where the Breath Is / (Be)longing, the podcasts she’s produced, and her recently published poetry book How the Hell Do I Abort a Demon among other works, call for self-agency, social awareness, and collective recognition and resistance of the ways in which systems of oppression co-exist and subjugate bodies. At YIHR KS she will focus on issues of dealing with the past, and using online communication effectively to promote and advocate for human rights and democracy.